PROJECT FIER 2: 60,000 young rural people to be trained and economically integrated

99.1 million EUR

Total project cost


Initiating institution

8 regions

Intervention zone

60,000 young rural people

Target population

Contribute to the creation of wealth and the reduction of poverty for young rural people in Mali.

The Second vocational training, integration and support for entrepreneurship project for rural youth (FIER 2) has the development objective of promoting entrepreneurship in rural areas, and facilitating the economic integration of young people in agricultural sectors and in non-agricultural sub-sectors.

It will thus contribute to achieving the second strategic objective of the Country Strategic Options Program (COSOP): promoting access to markets for small producers.

The implementation of FIER 2 will be carried out in two phases, of two and five years.

Target group and stakeholders

Young rural women and men (F&M) aged 15 to 40 and from low-income households constitute the target group of the project.

Geographic area of intervention

Based on the COSOP targeting strategy, FIER 2 will intervene in 8 regions of Mali

These are the regions of Koulikoro, Sikasso, Kayes and Ségou, with the 12 circles selected and the regions of Mopti, Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal.



Superficie : 64 821 km²
Population : 2 336 255
Densité : 36 hab./km2


Superficie : 90 120 km²
Population : 4 418 305


Superficie :4 418 305
Population : 2 625 919
Densité : 37 hab./km2


Superficie : 119 743 
Population : 1 996 812 

FIER-2 in numbers

During the first phase of the FIER project, more than 13,000 income-generating activities and microenterprises, led by young people, were created in 1,504 villages. Discover the key figures of the second project.

People affected by the project

Young rural people trained, 54% of whom are women

Projects financed in 472 villages

Value of direct investments for IGA/MER


Level of achievement of the final objective

Our success stories

Young rural women and men (F&M) aged 15 to 40 and from low-income households constitute the target group of the project.

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