Intervention zone

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Geographical area of the FIER 2 project

Based on the COSOP targeting strategy, FIER 2 will intervene in 8 regions of Mali. Firstly, it will intervene in the southern regions of the country where population densities are higher than the national average and where insecurity problems are less intense, with a focus on areas with high levels of poverty. These are the regions of Koulikoro, Sikasso, Kayes and Ségou, with the 12 selected circles, pre-identified villages, and a first list of 2,000 young people whose projects are ready or awaiting financing because they have been supported by PROUD. The regions that were covered during the implementation of FIER will be referred to as the concentration areas. The expansion zones will consist of production basins in the regions of Mopti, Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal. The following criteria will determine the choice of targeted circles and villages: (1) security constraints; (2) the level of poverty and food and nutritional vulnerability; (3) agroecological potential (developable sites); (4) market opportunities; (5) favorable local conditions for the training and integration of young people; (6) CT engagement; and (7) the potential for collaboration with other active stakeholders in the area.